
Item No 1 - The Potato Eaters. Priced at $14,999. One of my earlier works. Created in Nuenen, The Netherlands. April 1885

It should be understood that this is actually a sample of a Zyberweb website and doesn't really purport to be able to sell you any of Van Gogh's actual paintings which are mostly on view in magnificent galleries all over the world!

On-line Catalogue

I think you will find that my paintings represent a good investment. They are much sought after in many countries and I will be happy to discuss any of your questions about them. Please make sure you add you email address to the message you send if you would like a reply.

If you would like to buy any of my paintings, please email me using the email form below. The prices are all shown in $US.

Please allow $99 post and packing anywhere in the US and $199 for all overseas destinations.